Supramolecular Organic Chemistry PhD Studentship in the School of Chemistry, UCD, Dublin, Ireland.

PhD in supramolecular organic chemistry focusing on the development of novel bio-inspired constructs with application in catalysis and host-guest chemistry.

A funded PhD position is available in the field of Organic Chemistry in the laboratory of Dr Aniello Palma in the School of Chemistry at the University College Dublin (UCD).

This project involves exploring the potential of bio-inspired polymers as supramolecular building blocks. Using molecular recognition and self-assembly processes, we are aiming to synthesise complex and functional structures and novel materials of extended or discrete sizes. The student working on this project will focus on the synthesis and characterization of stimuli responsive chiral  cavities with applications in metallo- and organo-catalysis and chemical separation.

The successful candidate will develop a deep understanding of multi-step synthetic chemistry and will gain experience in a wide range of experimental and analytical techniques.

This PhD Studentship is due to start in September 2023

Entry requirements and Funding:

Applicants should have or expect to obtain a first or upper second class honours degree in Chemistry or a related subject.

Where English is not the native language, results from a UCD recognised English language proficiency test should be provided and these must meet the UCD minimum requirement specified at Results must have been issued within two years prior to the proposed start of studies.

This project is funded by the UCD School of Chemistry Research Demonstratorship. There will be a requirement to teach in undergraduate labs and tutorials as part of this scholarship. Funding will be offered at the standard Research Councils’ rate (currently €18,500 per annum up to 4 years) and will additionally cover tuition fees at the Home/EU/UK rate (currently €7,640 per annum).

Webpage(s): Dr Palma’s UCD webpage ; Palma Research Group webpage

Contact: For further information or informal enquiries, please contact Dr Aniello Palma at  with suject PhD 2023

How to Apply: To apply please send an email to with suject PhD Application with attched to the emial a cover letter (max 2 page) a CV (please include 2 accademic referee names and contact details) and a research experience/interests statement (max 2 pages). 

Deadline Date for Applications: 15th June 2023 5pm Dublin time.

Interviews to be held between: TBC